How to get traffic for your blog
My friend Caroline, a talented blogger, asked me for advice the other day. Here's a partial answer, with a few apologies to Swift:
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Making Money on the Internet for Beginners
If you’re interested in making some extra money to pay off creditors or earn enough income to replace your current job or career then the Internet is the place where aspiring entrepreneurs are turning. Unlike traditional businesses, a business on the Internet can be started with virtually no capitol, with the exception of your website expense. You have to have a website if you want to do business on the Internet…PERIOD.
If you don’t have your own product to advertise on your website, there are literally millions of affiliate programs on the Internet who do have products and will pay you commissions to sell their products from your website. You can choose to sell cell phones, or internet services, candles, furniture, or maybe insurance, the field is wide open. The affiliate program you choose will also handle all the money, shipping and correspondence with your customers. All you need to do is to generate the traffic to your new website in order to make the sale.
Often times the affiliate program you join will offer you free websites and that is great, but you will never generate enough free traffic to these affiliate sites to succeed without having your own website. Why you ask? For one, the search engines don’t list affiliate sites and you definitely want to get listed in the search engines, this will be your biggest free traffic source.
One of the best ways to generate free traffic is to get involved in link exchanges. You will basically place a link to another site on your website and they will in turn place a link on their site to yours. Once you have exchanged several hundred links a portion of your link partners traffic will come to your site. The free websites you have been given via your affiliate program will not be able to be edited in anyway, thus link exchanges are not an option.
Link exchanges produce a double bonus also. Not only will you get traffic from your link partners, the search engines will place you higher in their listings when they see lots of links pointing to your site.
The Internet was created to provide information, so if you want to succeed on the Internet and generate lots of free traffic, you are going to have to provide information on your website. Often times we do this by providing free information or articles on our website.
Offering free and useful information will keep your visitors coming back to your website, and the double bonus here is that the search engines love content. The more content your website has will produce better listings in the search engines.
Once you have perfected this process of building a website, getting listed in the search engines and have developed a huge traffic stream to your website, your going to be making sales. It will start out slow and as you build links and content, the traffic will grow and so will your sales.
Affiliate programs can be a great stepping stone to get your foot in the door towards cashing in on the riches that the Internet provides.
As time goes by you will find that you have learned so much and have evolved into an Internet Guru and now it’s time to take it one step farther, and start selling YOURSELF.
Using the knowledge that you have gained, you may want to venture into selling your services to other entrepreneurs just getting started. You could start a consulting business, or you may offer to build websites, or to help your clients get listed in the search engines. You may want to start writing E-Books and selling them. The possibilities are endless.
The Internet is a huge marketplace that is still virtually untapped. Don’t waste another day worrying about how you’re going to pay your creditors or provide for your family in the future. Start an Internet business today and see how your life can be changed for the better.
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Making Money in the Online Dating Gold Rush
Have you noticed the explosion of Websites related to love, sex, matchmaking, relationships, etc.? They’re popping up all over the place. Why the sudden popularity you ask? Well, the reason for this “gold rush” towards Online Dating & Relationship Oriented Websites is really quite simple: people are making a lot of money with them!
So how can you claim your share of this exploding marketplace?
Well you could go off and start your own Online Dating service to compete with the likes of eHarmony and (if that’s your idea of fun) but that’s really not the best way for small business owners to make money in this, or any, new marketplace.
In reality, the easiest and surest way to make money in any gold rush is selling tools to the prospectors! I think you’ll see what I mean in a moment.
In the Beginning…
Consider, if you will, that whenever any new industry begins there are always hundreds of other businesses needed to support it and make it truly complete. For example, just think of all the businesses that are now connected with the automotive industry. Tire companies, glass companies, mechanics, insurance agencies, driving schools, etc...
Your very own Dating & Relationship oriented website could be one of the complimentary businesses supporting the new Online Dating marketplace while generating thousands of dollars of profit in the process.
Complimentary businesses such as relationship advice sites, personal matchmaking services, astrological compatibility testing sites, personal appearance “make over” sites, background checking services, etc., etc., are all possible product or service “tools” needed by today’s “romance prospectors” searching for love on the Internet. I’m sure you’ll be able to come up with other product and service ideas too if you think about it.
So what other types of relationship oriented businesses are springing up based on the technologies and business models pioneered by the Online Dating sites?
New companies such as and are two good examples of a new generation of non-dating, non-romantic, relationship building Websites springing up to connect people for business relationships or other social activities. Others will surely follow their lead into this adjacent marketspace and your online business could be one of them.
Setting Up Shop
Okay, so now that you know the best way to make money online is to sell tools, the next big question you’ll need to answer is whether your new Website will be a general store carrying all types of tools or a specialty store providing some type of specific expert service or product. Let’s talk about the general merchandise store first.
The General Store
Imagine if you will an 1849’s old west general store loaded with canned goods, clothing, kerosene lamps, picks, shovels; everything the local prospectors needed. What would be today’s Online Dating equivalent to the general store? Well in our analogy it would be a Dating Directory Website. Here’s how they work.
Dating Directory Websites provide a service to their customers by collecting information about all the various Online Dating services in one centralized location. This allows their visitors to comparison shop among the various dating service companies while also making convenience purchases of advice eBooks, romantic gifts, sexy lingerie, etc., while they’re browsing the entire “general store.” Dating directories make their money from the affiliate sales commissions they are paid by the producers of the products they carry.
If you’re thinking of getting into the Online Dating & Relationship Marketplace, setting up your own Dating Directory general store is probably the easiest way to get started. All that’s required is the construction of a “store front” Website and then registration with multiple affiliate programs for the products that you want to sell.
Dating Directory startups are easy, low cost and can be built up over time with products you really enjoy selling. In addition, no product development expertise is required because you are essentially just the “shop keeper” selling someone else’s products.
However, before you decide to open up your own Online Dating & Relationship product general store, you may what to consider specializing in one particular area of the market where you can carve out a niche of your own. Let’s talk about this strategy for a moment.
The Specialty Shop
When it comes to the Online Dating & Relationship marketplace everyone’s an expert. Including you!
It’s true. Whether you’re young or old, single or married, gay or straight, everyone has their own special knowledge about Dating and Relationships that can provide you with the background and knowledge needed to write a newsletter or eBook of your own.
And while I’ll admit that writing an entire eBook and setting up your “specialty shop” Website is more work than running a general store Website, the potential rewards are much greater due to the uniqueness of your specialty product and the value you can deliver to your customers. So whatever you do, don’t underestimate the power of the knowledge you have to offer. Get started on that newsletter or Ebook today!
Bottom Line…
If you’re thinking about starting your own online business, check out this fast growing marketplace. It could be right for you. And remember, if you want to make money without risking the large amounts of capital required to compete with the big guys, don’t try to start your own Online Dating “gold mine”, sell the dating & relationship “picks and shovels” instead. That’s where the little guys win.
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How To Make Money With Your Own Home Based Business
Want to know how to make money with your own home based business niche?
First of all, forget about what everybody else is doing. Forget about what everybody else is saying. Forget about what everybody else is selling. Who cares? From this moment on, none of that has anything to do with you. I’m going to show you how to make money with your own home based business, by sneaking in the back door. In other words, by creating your own home based business niche.
I want you to think about the one thing in life that you’re truly passionate about. I mean, if you could do anything in the world that you wanted, what would you do?
Once you figure out what it is that you’re truly passionate about, I’m going to show you how to turn that into a money making home based business niche for yourself.
What’s a niche? A niche is a narrowly defined group of potential customers. Why should you bother to establish a niche market? Because of the great advantage and potential of having your niche all to yourself. Other small businesses may not be aware of your particular niche market, and large businesses probably won’t want to bother with it.
The trick to capitalizing on a niche market is to find or develop a market niche that currently has enough potential customers to make it worth your while, and that is experiencing reasonably rapid growth. It’s also important that your niche is not already being dominated by one established business.
Once you decide on your niche, go to the library and learn everything you can about it. For example, if your niche happens to be doing voiceovers for new car dealerships; then read every book you can find about the voiceover industry.
The next step is reprogramming your mind for success. In that regard, there are two books I consider absolute MUST reads, if you are at all serious about making money with your own home based business.
The books are, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napolean Hill and “The Magic of Thinking Big” by Dr. David Schwartz.
Your local library or bookstore should have both books, since they’re all-time classics. If not, try But whatever you do, get those books!
By the way, when you get those books, don’t just read them and forget about them. Keep them nearby and refer to them on a daily basis. This is critical, as far as keeping you focused and on the right track.
So, why is it so important to prepare yourself mentally for success? Because quite frankly, you’re bound to experience some extremely difficult times with your home based business. We all do. That’s just the way it is. Success rarely comes easy and despite some of the so-called overnight success stories you occasionally hear about, out-of-the-box successes are actually few and far between.
Another thing, if you’re married or living with someone, don’t expect a whole lot of support or kisses and hugs, during those inevitable tough times.
Unfortunately, most people are conditioned to the “9 to 5, retire at 65,” way of thinking. Many of them dream about starting their own business, but just can’t seem to find the courage to do so.
Instead, they’ll observe you with a critical eye, secretly hoping you fail, so that they can justify their own fears and insecurities about being entrepreneurs.
So, if you’re expecting support and encouragement from your family and friends, you’re probably going to be disappointed. I don’t mean to be a wet blanket but, that’s just the way it is. Most likely, you’ll probably hear a bunch of negativity and comments about getting a real job.
That’s the point when you’re going to have to look deep inside yourself and stay strong and focused. Because chances are, you’re going to be going through this alone. That’s why the mind re-programming is so important. It’ll help you stay focused and positive. And if by chance you do happen to have family and friends who do support you, so much the better!
You also need to learn how to write effective ads for your business. Powerful copywriting is critical. I highly recommend you read the following books: “Scientific Advertising,” by Claude Hopkins and “How To Write A Good Advertisement,” by Victor Schwab and “Advertising Secrets Of The Written Word,” by Joseph Sugarman.
Here’s some advice: The number one reason why most businesses fail is because they’re undercapitalized. You can’t conduct business online or offline without any money. Now, I’m not saying you need thousands of dollars. However, you need to at least have two or three hundred dollars in the bank to work with.
In closing, if you ever find yourself getting overwhelmed at any point in the process; don’t be afraid to seek help. Consult with an expert, to help you sort things out and gain a new perspective on things. It’s the smart thing to do, and it just might save your business!
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How to Block Website without Software
- Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\
- Find the file named "HOSTS"
- Open it in Notepad
- Under " localhost" Add, and that site will no longer be accessable.
- Website Block Done!
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Nokia Secret Codes
On the main Screen Type the Following:
- *#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
- *#7780# reset to factory settings.
- *#67705646# This will clear the LCD display (operator logo).
- *#0000# To view software version.
- *#2820# Bluetooth device address.
- *#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
- *#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that support WLAN
- #pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.
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Online Jobs
Get Paid to Sign up Job
Some companies also encourage you to sign up for free offers they and their advertisers are promoting. This is a great way to earn some extra money from online.
Get Paid to Take Surveys Job
Survey sites are paid by companies to conduct surveys. The survey company then contacts you by email informing you that a survey that matches your profile is available for you to fill out. Surveys can take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes and can pay you from $1 to $25 or more. This all depends on the site, the length of the survey, and how fast the company paying for the survey wants the results back. You do not have to complete every survey that matches your profile. You can pick and choose which ones you fill out. You are under no obligation to fill out any particular survey or all surveys sent to you.
Get Paid to Click Job
Paid to click companies are good money earners. These companies will pay you to visit their advertisers’ sites and to sign up for FREE offers from other advertisers. You can only visit so many advertisers in a certain period of time; usually about a dozen advertisers in a 24-hour period of time. This keeps people from visiting the same advertisers’ site over and over to rack up money. This is the main reason we list so many of these companies. You can go down the line and click all the advertisers from each site and make a substantial amount of money (Each company has a different time you must spend on each advertiser’s site to get credit for it. We recommend staying for 30 seconds to ensure you get proper credit).
Get Paid to Read Email Job
Some companies will pay you just to receive and or read e-mail advertisements. You will receive email pertaining to categories you select when you signup. You will have to click a link in the email to be paid for it. Although some don't mention it, you should stay on the site for 15-30 seconds to make sure you receive credit for the visit. The reason we list so many Paid to Read companies is we believe they will continue to thrive even in the current advertising recession. Consequently you will receive more emails and more money!
Get Paid to Surf Job
Paid to Surf companies will pay you to display a small advertisement banner on your screen while you are online and using your computer. The advertisers based on how many of their ads you viewed in turn pay them. The banner is downloaded from the company's web site and will display rotating advertisements based on your personal profile (filled out when you sign up). You have to be online so the ads can be sent to the banners and you will have to verify you are using your computer from time to time so the companies know you are viewing the ads. Please remember, Paid to Surf companies require you to download and install software from their site. Each of the companies you sign up for will add an icon to your desktop when you install their software. Whenever you go online, just double click the icon, the bar will appear and you will be making money. It's that simple.
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